It’s Patient ID Week! Take part by visiting AHIMA’s Action Center now to urge your members of Congress to protect patient privacy and safety by supporting the repeal of Section 510 in the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) appropriations bill.
It’s essential this week that we make sure every US Senator and US Representative hears from AHIMA members about the impact of patient misidentification and what they can do to help.
For three years, the US House of Representatives has repealed Section 510 from the Labor-HHS appropriations bill, and last year the US Senate in an initial draft of the Labor-HHS bill also removed Section 510 from their bill. However, during final negotiations the ban was reinserted into the FY22 budget. Section 510 is a barrier to advancing a national strategy on patient identification, and we must ensure its repeal.
AHIMA needs your help to reach out to your members of Congress THIS WEEK to urge them to support repeal of Section 510 in the Labor-HHS appropriations bill.
Email Your Legislators! Go to: