Register for the Denial Management – Understanding Edits and Applying Modifiers Webinar!
Wednesday, October 30th at 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Register Here!
Coding and Billing staff at Hospitals are increasingly responsible for interpreting Medicare and Medicaid edits and determining when a modifier is appropriate. This presentation will summarize the key Medicare edits (OCE, MUE and CCI) as well as common hospital-outpatient modifiers and their application. We will review and summarize some of the issues surrounding the reporting of modifiers. Case examples will be utilized for the training.
Program Objectives:
- Understand the background and interaction of common Medicare edits
- Learn how NY Medicaid has initiated the application of some of the same edits
- Relate to some of the regulatory pressures for accurately reporting modifiers to bypass these edits
- Provide a platform on which Management and staff can build as they move forward with applying modifiers to line-items on outpatient claims
Jean Russella
Epoch Health Solutions
Veronica Ziac
Epoch Health Solutions