November 21, 2022

In attendance: Leslie Mills, Karen Getman, Beth Ann Hinog, Donna Barnard

Staff: Alexis Vetro, MaryBeth Schneider

Upcoming webinars:

  • December 20- Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) 2023 Updates
  • January- Recommended: Motivational, mindfulness, guided meditation, Beth will follow up with Anna DeMico. The committee may want to consider a follow-up session in April
  • February- Donna Barnard is following up with her team re: Social Determinants of Health
  • March- TBD
  • April-TBD, possible follow up to Jan webinar
  • May- May 17, Health Care Equity 
  • Need to plan on a coding update at some point in September. MaryBeth will follow up with Lynn Wozniac to confirm when the session should be scheduled (done- waiting for response)
  • Stacy White is planning the next Coding Roundtable session- MaryBeth will follow up with her re: timeframe (done- waiting for response)

Other Items for follow-up

  • Explore specific Digital Health subtopics that may be of interest to HIM professionals- Central Office
  • Invite Education Directors from CLA’s to participate in the January Education Committee meeting- Central Office
  • Create a webinar topic interest survey and publish in an upcoming WIN- Central Office with Committee support
  • Write and article on the 25 code limit- Central office with support form Donna Barnard
Categories: NYHIMA